IMPROVE – Value Engineering

We strive to deliver brilliant solutions that are modern, innovative and successful for businesses.
IMPROVE Logo Capventis Framework for Value Engineering

– Advisory Services

– Analysis and Design

– Solution Implementation

– Success Management

– Managed Services

We strive to deliver brilliant solutions that are modern, innovative and successful for our clients and their people.

This requires people with the right skills, experience, knowledge, curiosity, innovation and a passion for excellence.

To achieve this, our team works with yours, jointly leveraging each others’ strengths to find and deliver value. We bring a game plan, approach and method to help us find and deliver the value as effectively and successfully as possible.

Capventis IMPROVE provides the framework, addressing all stages from thinking, ideas and innovation, through turning these into modern, well-designed business and technology solutions, on to ensuring success and value for customers, employees and your business.

capventis consultancy and advisory services

Advisory Services

We take the time to listen to you and understand your business, vision and needs. We inform the key people in your team about the market and what is possible. Then we facilitate exploration and discussion to shape winning solutions and approaches, providing options and business cases and the road map for change and value. Our differentiation is our practical experience combined with our analysis and design mapping model; the M in IMPROVE.

Analysis & Design

Our mapping model and methodology captures your business needs, defines the winning architecture and details the enabling solutions. It is very comprehensive, brings together all the different perspectives and components, and makes a complex thing easy to understand and manage. You own the ideas and solutions. We facilitate, guide, work the model and create the solutions. Jointly we generate the best outcomes for your customers, your business and your people.
solution implementation

Solution Implementation

We believe in Brilliant Basics, which means getting the foundations right, delivering the highest value with the easiest step, in the optimal time. IMPROVE carries through from design to working solution. Our approach puts the customer and the business in the driving seat, but also leverages our knowledge of modern technology propositions, platforms and tools. Our specific Glu solution offering provides a ready-made capability to integrate systems and the cloud, as well as to store and process data of any type and scale.
success management

Success Management

Ensuring success starts at the beginning with a focus on value, desired outcomes and pragmatism, which must carry through to the solution design and configuration. Truly modern solutions play well to today's digitally savvy customers and employees. The user interface and the journey must be easy, intuitive and streamlined allowing training to focus on business priorities, perspectives and desired outcomes.
success management
Experience Management Plan

Managed Services

Being your delivery partner goes beyond the design and implementation of good solutions. We offer a range of support and managed services to assist your operation on an ongoing basis. We provide outsourcing services to support the evolution and management of the platforms and tools we partner with. We also provide data and analytics services to run, process, interpret and deliver the insights you need to be an efficient data-driven business.

Capventis helped us to articulate a Blueprint for Global CRM and Commercial Control information needs that brings structure and strategy to our vision. This has enabled us to identify and drive vale across our global organisation in terms of what we do and the information requirement aligned to how we do it. Their Blueprint provided the foundation we needed to prioritise, steer and implement our vision.

Kerry Group

Capventis helped us get under the skin of our returns, mapping out key processes and creating the analytic framework and information systems to help our buyers really understand what was going on.


The expertise and proven methodologies of Capventis resulted in a successful implementation that engaged our employees at every stage, followed by a step-by-step rollout of functionaity across our organisation.

Gentoo Group

HOW CAN WE HELP?Talk to us to find out more about how our IMPROVE framework can help your business